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Art Management

Every artist goes through a slump in which they feel as though they cannot create or that they don't have that spark anymore. I have gone through this in the past and it will happen again. Here are some tips and tricks to get your artist juices flowing!

I teach art for a living, full time and when I'm not teaching I'm thinking about new ideas to put in my lesson plans or for my own creative forces. When I'm not teaching or imagining I am creating. I try to live my life artistically in every way. From the way I eat or spend my time, I try to be my own inspiration.

The first thing you want to do when you're in an artist slump is to record your dreams. You might find that your subconscious is talking to you!

Secondly, get out of the house! Experience life, look around at all the small details that surround you. Personally I like to go take a walk in the woods or you might want to go to the heart of your city, you are bound to find inspiration there.

Third, take care of yourself. You might find that you are run down and uninspired. You need to take that time and do some self care like taking a bath or doing some meditation. When you are stressed out the last thing you want to do is create.

I hope this guide helps you if you ever need inspiration to get out and create again. Don't force yourself either, let it come naturally. You will never lose your art, it will always be there waiting for you.


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