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Creating A Series

Did you know that you can use your art to tell a story? Your art is visual but it can speak volumes. Creating a series can be fun for you and for your audience. See the steps below on how I create a series!

First you will need some inspiration. I like to go out in nature - that is very apparent in my art as I have a lot of natural elements in my work. What works for me might not work for you. Perhaps you would like to go to the heart of the city for your inspiration or possibly your local art galleries. Go where your heart tells you to go and take notice of your surroundings, this can be your key to the story you are about to tell through your artwork.

Next look deep into your mind for that creative vision. When I create a work of art I always start with my artistic vision. Visions come to me in many different forms and this leads to what I paint. Visions can come to you derived from your inspiration. They can come to you through your dreams or through meditation - by looking to your subconscious. Another enhancer may be through music. You may see a vision while listening to a special song. Keep your brain waves open and you will see what you need in order to create. Listen to that voice inside of you.

Another thing to consider is thinking of a theme. For example - I was listening to a song by Johnny Cash called "I'm on Fire", and it sparked something in me. I thought about fire, and then I thought about the earths elements. That is how I came up with the theme for my series "Elements". Your mind can work as a spider web. One thought can lead to another and it can take you to your vision. Once you come up with a theme you can use that theme to build upon.

One thing to keep in mind when creating a series is not to force anything. Let your art flow with you and create freely. Creating a series can sometimes put boundaries for an artist, and sometimes that does not work for everyone. You do not need to always stay withing the perimeters of your theme to create a series. You can always put your series on hold and make other things during that process. It is all up to you. You are the one in charge of our artistic vision and only you know how the story unfolds!

Happy creating!


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