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Teaching Art Outside the Box

When I tell most folks I am an art teacher, they ask me "What school do you teach at?" and I have to explain that I do not teach in a traditional school setting. "Oh, then you're not a real art teacher then?" comes second, and even though I don't grade - and I definitely don't get summers off - I truly feel like an art teacher inside and out in every fiber of who I am.


There are many reasons to why I do not teach in a school setting. Number one - the dreaded student loan. I Have been struggling with finances for some time now and am finally on a good path, I have decided that if I am to go back to school it would be to complete my psychology degree and I would pay out of pocket.

Number two - I just don't like teaching in a school! I tried being a Teachers Assistant my freshman year of college. I was so sure it was the path I was meant for. Then, I learned that the teachers (at least in my school) just didn't care for the kids. They also had so much pressure to get high test scores and on top of all of that art was beginning to become nonexistent in schools to make time for more math and reading programs. That's great and all but children need art too - so that's where I come in.


Currently I teach art for the City of Cleveland stationed inside of various recreation centers. I am given very few rules to the way I teach - I make my own curriculum. I am only given the parameters of where I am stationed based on need and the times in which I teach between recreation hours.

I work full time and also do special events out side of work hours. It enables me to reach beyond the school walls and deep into my immediate community. When patrons show up to my classes it's because they want to be there, not because they have to and it makes my job that much better.

Because I get to create my own curriculum I get to work with not only children but adults, seniors, and special needs groups. I can work my lesson plans on what I feel would challenge and encourage the groups specific needs.


So, some may think that I'm not a "real" art teacher and maybe I'm not. I feel more like a mentor, a psychologist, a life coach and a friend most of the time. Art opens the door to common ground in my classroom but it is secondary to the feeling and the moments that it creates for both me and my students.

*If you or a loved one reside in the greater Cleveland area and are looking to take free art classes take a look on my home page for current class offerings


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